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Environmental Impact Reports - Archives

Case Number PL22-0032

American Jewish University, Applicant 


Project Description: The applicant requests a Major Modification to CUP No. 1776 and a Discretionary Tree Permit to allow for the following modifications to an existing camp: (1) expansion of camp facilities, including additional cabins and a welcome center; (2) an increase in the maximum number of overnight campers from 472 to 572; (3) an increase in the frequency and maximum attendance of special events; (4) retroactive authorization of the Brandeis-Bardin Mutual Water Company system; and (5) extension of the CUP’s expiration until 30 years after approval of the Major Modification. 

Background: The Ventura County Resource Management Agency, Planning Division received an application for the Proposed Project in February 2022. Based on initial review, the Planning Division determined that the project has the potential to result in significant environmental impacts. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Before undertaking environmental analysis, the Planning Division is circulating the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and soliciting comments on the scope of the EIR. 

Scoping Meeting: The Planning Division will conduct a scoping meeting on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. over Zoom to inform the public an interested parties about the project and to solicit comments on the scope of the EIR. The Zoom meeting details are as follows: 

Join Meeting:

Meeting ID:      839 97856754

Passcode:         186206

Dial In:                (669) 444-9171 or (669) 900-9128 

Location:  1101 Peppertree Lane, Simi Valley

Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs):  685-0-051-040, -050, -140, -190 and -210

Review Period Start and End Date:  November 20, 2023, to December 20, 2023

Case Planner:

Michael T. Conger, AICP, , (805) 654-5038

Case Number LU10-0003

Pacific Rock, Inc., Applicant 


PUBLIC REVIEW DOCUMENTS: Partial Recirculated Draft EIR

Project Description: The applicant requests a modification to existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 3817-3 to amend the current reclamation plan and to allow for the expansion of the existing mining area, to extend the life of the permit for an additional 30-year period, extend the operational days from 6 to 7 days per week. allow construction and mobile mining equipment in outdoor storage areas, operate a concrete and asphalt recycling plant, allow for imported material to be used in reclamation fill and to replace an existing mobile home to be used as a 24-hour security trailer.

Background: The Ventura County Resource Management Agency, Planning Division prepared and circulated for public review between December 1, 2020, and January 15, 2021, a Draft Environmental Impact Report (2020 Draft EIR) for the Project. In accordance with Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21092.1 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, Ventura County is recirculating the biological resources section of the 2020 Draft EIR that has been revised in response to comments received addressing biological resources and to incorporate additional analysis and information regarding biological resources.

Ventura County requests that commenters limit their new written comments to the revisions and new material presented in the Partial Recirculated Draft EIR, which consists of the revised version of Section 3.5, “Biological Resources,” and its new Appendix C-3, “Bat Habitat Assessment for the Pacific Rock Quarry Expansion Project.” Comments received previously on the 2020 Draft EIR Section 3.5, “Biological Resources,” will not be responded to in the Final EIR; Ventura County will only respond to comments for this section received after recirculation of this Partial Recirculated Draft EIR. Comments on other sections of the 2020 Draft EIR need not be resubmitted as they will be responded to in the Final EIR that will be prepared after public review of this Partial Recirculated Draft EIR. Ventura County thus requests that comments addressing issues other than biological resources not be resubmitted. For reference and comparison, Ventura County is providing a link to the 2020 Draft EIR and all comments received on that draft here.

Location:  1000 South Howard Road, Camarillo
APN: The proposed project is located on Tax Assessor’s Parcel Numbers(APN) 234-0-060-220 and 234-0-060-190

Review Period Start and End Date:  October 26, 2022, to December 9, 2022

Case Planner:
Justin Bertoline, , (805) 654-2466


Case Number PL17-0154

CalWood, Inc. (dba Agromin) Applicant


Project Description: The applicant requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance (NCZO) Text Amendment to construct and operate a new 70-acre Commercial Organics Processing Operation at the site of an existing 15-acre Agricultural Composting Operation. The facility would process food and green material delivered to the site and package for sale mulch, compost, and wood chip materials. A combination of open windrows, Covered Aerated Static Piles (CASPs), and Anaerobic Digestion (AD) systems would be used to process organic materials into saleable compost and mulch products. The NCZO Text Amendment proposes to amend Section 8107-36.4.1(a), Standards Relating to Organics Processing Operation. The proposed Project includes construction of six new buildings with a total footprint of 230,779 sq. ft. to be developed over 4 phases.

List of Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts Identified: Based on the analysis presented in the DEIR, the project would result in potentially significant but unavoidable impacts to Agricultural Resources and Traffic Impacts (Vehicle Miles Travelled).

Location:  The Project site is located at the south terminus of Edwards Ranch Road, south of State Route 126, approximately five miles southwest of the City of Santa Paula, in unincorporated Ventura County.

APN: The proposed project is located on Tax Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 090-0-180-085

Review Period Start and End Date: October 18, 2021 to December 3, 2021

Case Planner: John Oquendo,, (805) 654-3588


Appendix A – IS-NOP

Appendix B – NOP Comments

Appendix C – VMT Memo

Appendix D – Vacant Industrial Parcels


Case Number LU10-0003

Pacific Rock, Inc., Applicant 


Project Description: The applicant requests a modification to existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 3817-3 to amend the current reclamation plan and to allow for the expansion of the existing mining area, to extend the life of the permit for an additional 30-year period, extend the operational days from 6 to 7 days per week. Allow construction and mobile mining equipment in outdoor storage areas, operate a concrete and asphalt recycling plant, allow for imported material to be used in reclamation fill, and to replace an existing mobile home to be used as a 24-hour security trailer.

List of Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts Identified: Based on the analysis presented in the DEIR, the project would result in potentially significant but mitigable impacts to Air Quality, Greenhouse Gasses, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology, and Soils, Noise, Water Resources, Hazards and Public Safety, Land Use and Planning and potentially significant but unavoidable impacts to Visual Resources.

Location:  1000 South Howard Road, Camarillo
APN: The proposed project is located on Tax Assessor’s Parcel Numbers(APN) 234-0-060-220 and 234-0-060-190

Review Period Start and End Date: December 1, 2020 to January 15, 2021

Case Planner:
Justin Bertoline, , (805) 654-2466

Draft EIR Document
Appendix A-1 through B-2

  • Appendix A-1 – Pacific Rock Quarry Mine Project
  • Appendix A-2 – Comments on Pacific Rock Quarry Mine Expansion Project
  • Appendix A-3 – Scoping Meeting Sign-In and Notes
  • Appendix B-1 – Air Quality, Health Risk and Climate Change Impact Assessment
  • Appendix B-2 – Supplemental Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
     Evaluation and Health Risk Screening

Appendix C-1 through D-2

  • Appendix C-1 – Initial Study Biological Assessment Report for Pacific Rock
  • Appendix C-2 – June 2018 Rare Plant Survey and Burrowing Owl Habitat
    Assessment Results Memorandum
  • Appendix D-1- Updated Geologic and Geotechnical Review Report
  • Appendix D-2 – Custom Soil Report for Ventura Area, California

Appendix E through Appendix H

  • Appendix E – Noise and Groundborne Vibration Impact Assessment
  • Appendix F-1 – Pacific Rock Quarry Expansion Project Transportation Impact
  • Appendix F-2 – VCAPCD Data for Pacific Rock Quarry, Extec Usage 2015-
  • Appendix G – Water Quality Impact Assessment, Storage and Use of Blasting
  • Appendix H – Response to Pacific Rock Quarry

Case Number PL19-0046
Somis Ranch Partners, LLC, Applicant 


Project Description: 

The applicant requests (1) a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) to authorize the four-lot subdivision of an existing legal lot; (2) a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to authorize the construction of a community wastewater treatment facility (CWWTF); and (3) a Planned Development (PD) Permit to authorize the construction of a 360-unit farmworker housing complex. The proposed farmworker housing complex is intended to be 100 percent affordable to farmworkers who qualify as lower income, which is classified as individuals and families who make 80 percent or below the area median income. The proposed farmworker housing complex would include 360 dwelling units, 654 parking spaces, and amenities such as community centers, play fields, tot lots/playgrounds, picnic tables, barbeques, and a basketball court. The CWWTF would treat 100 percent of wastewater generated on the project site. Treated wastewater would meet Disinfected Tertiary Recycled Water requirements in accordance with California Code of Regulations Title 22 and is proposed for use as off-site agricultural irrigation.

List of Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts Identified:
Based on the analysis presented in the DEIR, the project would result in potentially significant but mitigable impacts to Air Quality and Biological Resources and potentially significant but unavoidable impacts to Agricultural Resources

Location:  2789 Somis Road, Somis
APN: The proposed project is located on Tax Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 156-0-180-48

Review Period Start and End Date:
September 21, 2020 to November 5, 2020

Case Planner:
Justin Bertoline, , (805) 654-2466

Appendix A – Notice of Preparation and Scoping Comments
Appendix B – Preliminary On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Design
Appendix C – Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Modeling Results
Appendix D – Initial Study Biological Assessment (ISBA)
Appendix E – Cultural Resources Assessment
Appendix F – Noise Modeling Results
Appendix G – Seepage Pit Performance Test Report
Appendix H – Traffic Study
Appendix I  – Preliminary Hydrology Memorandum

        Appendix J – Geotechnical Engineering Report

Appendix K – Domestic Water Use Calculations

        Appendix L – AB 52 Correspondence


Case Number PL13-0158
Carbon California Company, LLC, Applicant 

Notice of Availability and Intent to Adopt a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report – Document Link:

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Guide to the Reader
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Executive Summary
  6. 1.0 – Introduction
  7. 2.0 – Project Description
  8. 3.0 – Environmental Setting
  9. 4.0 – Environmental Impact Analysis
  10. 5.0 – Other Required Sections
  11. 6.0 – Alternatives
  12. 7.0 – References and Preparers
  13. Appendix A – December 14, 2017, Writ of Mandate
  14. Appendix B – Air Quality Impact Assessment; Sespe Consulting (January 2, 2019 & May 29, 2019)
  15. Appendix C – Traffic Study, Associated Transportation Engineers; October 2, 2019
  16. Appendix D – VCAPCD Agnew Lease Permit to Operate
  17. Appendix E – VCAPCD PEETS Emission Factors for Crude Oil Wells
  18. Appendix F – AB 52 Notification of Consultation Opportunity
  19. Appendix G – 2016 SR & Koenigstein Road Analysis & Ventura County Analysis Review Memorandum
  20. Appendix H – Transcript of July 28, 2016, Ventura County Planning Commission Hearing for the Nesbitt Oil Well Project (PL15-0060)
  21. Appendix I – County of Ventura, November 21, 2019, Ventura County Public Works Agency Transportation Department Memorandum
  22. Appendix J – Caltrans Letter dated September 28, 2015

 Project Description:  The applicant requests that a modification of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 3543 be granted to authorize the continued operation and maintenance of an existing oil and gas exploration and production operation (Agnew lease area) for an additional 25-year period. If granted, the operation could consist of a total of five oil and gas wells on an existing pad that include the drilling of two new oil wells and re-drill of one existing well. The use Koenigstein Road for access to the project site, and the full-time use of an existing on-site gas flare, and a change in the authorized access to the existing oil and gas facility during drilling and production operations is also proposed. Access to the lease area would be made by the use of Koenigstein Road to and from Highway 150 during drilling and production operations. A private driveway connected to Koenigstein Road would provide direct access to the drilling site. 

List of Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts Identified:
Potentially significant but mitigable impacts to traffic safety and circulation.

The project site is located approximately 2,000 feet north of State Highway 150 and adjacent to Koenigstein Road.

Review Period Start and End Date:
May 5, 2020 to June 19, 2020

Case Planner:
Kristina Boero,, (805) 654-2467


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